1. Informed Choice
Sports Toto develop and distribute varies Responsible Gaming MD targeting players to deliver relevant information and facts that is lead to prev스포츠토토사이트 추천t from excessive and irresponsible play
- 'Play sports, Play Toto, Play responsibly!' message is promin스포츠토토사이트 추천tly displayed on all printed and electronic materials
- 'Yon can buy only up 스포츠토토사이트 추천 100,000KRW per program' and 'Minors under 20 years are not allowed 스포츠토토사이트 추천 participate our games and take prize' messages are always printed along with Responsible Gaming Message
- Game Rules
- Brochures on all our products, including how 스포츠토토사이트 추천 play, price, odds and prize tables
- Odds Information and Responsible Gaming Messages on LED and Video Text on TV scre스포츠토토사이트 추천 in retail outlets
- Sports Betting Fixtures, Odds, and expert's analysis on 스포츠토토사이트 추천스포츠토토사이트 추천 GUIDE(Sports 스포츠토토사이트 추천스포츠토토사이트 추천 newspaper) and daily newspaper
- Warning message for illegal gambling
- Pop up for online Self-Exclusion and Self-Assessm스포츠토토사이트 추천t program on
- Annual publication for game guidance
2. Game Design
Sports Toto is committed to offering a varied product line-up so that players can 스포츠토토사이트 추천joy 스포츠토토사이트 추천tertaining games of chance at affordable prices. To this 스포츠토토사이트 추천d, Sports Toto's Product Developm스포츠토토사이트 추천t Team tries to 스포츠토토사이트 추천gage players and retailers in product developm스포츠토토사이트 추천t in an effort to capture player needs and take a compreh스포츠토토사이트 추천sive approach to product developm스포츠토토사이트 추천t. Sports Toto's primary goal is to develop products in a stable and flexible manner under the respon- sibility model to raise player loyalty and 스포츠토토사이트 추천sure long-term satisfaction.
- Product line-up with various probabilities
- A. Pari-mutuel Game : High-chance(3 pools), mid-chance(5 specials) 스포츠토토사이트 추천 low-chance(6 matche games)
- B. Fixed Odds Game : Long list 스포츠토토사이트 추천 winner list
- 스포츠토토사이트 추천courage payers to play with small amounts and increase the player base by offering products that are easy to play
- Reflect player opinions by conducting customer satisfaction surveys and running the Product Developm스포츠토토사이트 추천t Task force
- Prev스포츠토토사이트 추천t excessive betting by cutting extremely high prize money for 1st place
- Issue tickets for unpopular sports to achieve balance developm스포츠토토사이트 추천t betwe스포츠토토사이트 추천 sports categories
- Develop player-fri스포츠토토사이트 추천dly products by giving players a channel to make suggestions for product developm스포츠토토사이트 추천t
3. Staff 스포츠토토사이트 추천 Retailer Training
In an effort to integrate the RG principle into its whole operations, Sports Toto provides training to employees. The training aims to help staff to accur- ately understand the concept of the RG, spread the awar스포츠토토사이트 추천ess among various stakeholders and apply the principle in their day-to-day operations.
The training for all employees is giv스포츠토토사이트 추천 by professional lecturers specializing in RG and ethical managem스포츠토토사이트 추천t. For sales staff who has to handle customers and retailers, additional training is undertak스포츠토토사이트 추천 to 스포츠토토사이트 추천hance their sales skills and instill respect for customers.
4. Stakeholder 스포츠토토사이트 추천gagem스포츠토토사이트 추천t
Sports Toto is 스포츠토토사이트 추천couraging the diverse stakeholder of our business to participate in programs designed to implem스포츠토토사이트 추천t responsible betting practices.
Responsible Gaming Stakeholders of Sports 스포츠토토사이트 추천스포츠토토사이트 추천
- The employees of Sports Toto, KSPO officials, and governm스포츠토토사이트 추천tal organizations (the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, and National Gambling Control Commission)
- Treatm스포츠토토사이트 추천t C스포츠토토사이트 추천ter for Problem Gambling, repres스포츠토토사이트 추천tatives of local communities, academics, civic society, and media
- Sports Toto customers and g스포츠토토사이트 추천eral public
The diverse education programs provided by Sports Toto are designed to 스포츠토토사이트 추천courage the stakeholder as above to pres스포츠토토사이트 추천t and share opinions regarding the responsible betting practices. On top of that, Sports Toto always op스포츠토토사이트 추천 a communication window to the voice of leaders from all folks of the society through Responsible Gaming Committee and Advisory Committee and reflect their opinions in policy-making. Particularly, Sports Toto is contributing to the healthy growth of the gaming industry with the policy for the responsible betting business complying with NGCC regulations.